Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Denim Rug - Take 2

I finally finished the rectangular rug!  I'm pretty happy with how it turned out...but it will probably be a while before I decide to make another one...if ever I make another one.  It's pretty labour-intensive, but worth it in the end.  I just love that it was made of old jeans!

And first "how-to" post...


How to Crochet a Denim Rug

Material: Q hook, nine pairs of old jeans, scissors, needle and thread

1. Gather your jeans.  I originally started with eight pairs, but my dad ended up finding an old pair of my brother's from the early 90's.  (Yes, you read that right.  This is what happens when your parents don't get rid of anything.)  So, I used nine pairs in this rug.

2. Cut out the pant legs.  You will need to remove the pockets and the seams.

3. To make the "yarn," begin by cutting a one-inch strip.  Stop cutting approximately 0.5-inches away from the end, then switch directions.  You want your pant leg to be one long, one-inch strip.

4. Begin rolling the yarn into a ball after the first pant leg has been cut.  To add more yarn, simply sew the ends together.

5. When one pair of jeans has been rolled up, you are now ready to begin crocheting.

6. With a Q hook, ch 40 (or as many ch you need for the size rug you want).  The entire rug is worked up in sc.  Be sure to count your sc periodically to make sure you are on track!  To add more yarn, sew the ends together.

7. Continue working in sc until your rug is the size you want.


The finished product:

And there you have it, folks!  An upcycled, crocheted, denim rug!

This one is going to sit at the back door...and I think I'm going to bring the oval one into my classroom in the fall.

PS - These are my new shoes.  Cute, no?


  1. Your new shoes are cute...but your rug is cuter (is there such a word??!)

    I Love your tutorial, easy to understand and great pics.

    I want this rug in my kitchen in the next few weeks. Thanks to your time and expertise, I will try this project.

  2. Díky za návod. Kobereček se mi moc líbí.

  3. What size crochet hook did you use? Thanks!

    1. It is a Q hook. The biggest one I could find!

  4. what does sc and ch mean? never crocheted before but might give this a try once I know what these mean

    1. Sc=single crochet. Ch=chain stitch. You tube has some great videos, for right and left handers.

    2. Sc=single crochet. Ch=chain stitch. You tube has some great videos, for right and left handers.

  5. How well does it wash up?

  6. I know this is a couple years later but I'm just seeing and loving this! I would like to know, if you recall, how long did it take you to make this? Also what size did this end up being? Thanks! Love love love it!

  7. 9 years are your rugs holding up??

    1. I've made the rugs out of old sheets and 7 years later mine are like 'new' I wash & dry then weekly & they are fabulous 👌

  8. original e lindo, além de algodão facilmente lavável!

  9. I'm 62, my Grandmother taught me to crochet rugs at 7. Remember making outside rugs recycling plastic bags. I was taught to cut width wise across bag. Each loop of bag was inserted into another; hence producing a long strip of two layers if plastic. Always wanted to make denim rug from pant legs using Grandma's technic; however, figured the 2 layers of denim would be Way Too Bulky to workup.
    I thank "you" for re- enlightening my once Dream of making use of all my old jeans. You've taught easily to keep the material at single layer����

  10. I'm 62... Was from Carol
    This was my first
    Time commenting on a phone. I shall look forward to a response to observe if it was received or still floating in cyberspace?🙃

  11. Yes Carol, your comment was received. Both comments actually. I am not the owner of this blog though. Looks as if the owner, Emily, may have abandoned her blog as she hasn’t posted anything, it looks like since 2013. Happy Holidays!

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